I am a bowhunter and I find this game easy to learn and very addictive. Competing against your own best scores, varying the difficulty from round to round. The one thing that I would change is that the crosshairs should really not be the impact point for targets that are farther away. Much like the windage that you do have to take into account in the game, you should also have to take into account arrow drop at longer distances. I would also make the crosshairs a bit finer since they obscure the target quite a bit, more so at longer ranges. (Yes I realize this happens in real life as well, but I think making them thinner would still be warranted).
I also tend to run out of space sometimes with my finger as I am trying to adjust aim point and there is no way to pick up without letting the arrow fly. Sometimes I even end up with my finger over the target at which point youre basically shooting blind. Im not sure what can be done to fix that but it would be good to look into The control mechanism. I appreciate the fact that control decreases directly in relation to the amount of time of holding at full draw.
terriergal about Archery Tournament